Rental Application and Requirements
Get Started: You may apply for any rental at a private viewing or Open House showing. Be sure to bring all of your information and checkbook to complete an application. To apply for available units please complete the entire application, sign and hand it in to our representative at the viewing with your checks. We require that the application be filled out completely and legibly before we can process it; an incomplete application will delay processing/not hold your place in line. A non-refundable Application Fee (per adult) along with the Security Hold Deposit is required to begin application processing.
Qualification for a rental: Tenancy will be based on your current and previous rental history, confirmation of current employment, and overall credit history. We perform a TransUnion credit and criminal background check on all new residents as part of our application process prior to application approval. We do not use comprehensive, reusable tenant screening reports; we will verify all applicant information for each applicant.
Acceptance of an application: Once your application is processed we will contact you to offer you the unit. If at this time you decline the offer you will lose your entire pre-paid Security Hold Deposit. Please be certain you are able to accept an offer before applying. Once you accept the offer of the unit we will proceed with the details of signing a Lease Agreement and any other details that remain.
Denial of an application: Unfortunately sometimes we have to decline an application. If we are unable to offer the unit to you after processing your application we will either shred or mail back the entire pre-paid Security Hold Deposit check turned in when you applied. You will be notified in writing reason for denial by Adverse Action Notice, this will give you the phone number of the credit reporting agency so that you may contact them directly for a copy of your credit report. We cannot give you a copy of your credit report or discuss the details of your report.
Non-refundable fee: The application fee is always non-refundable once an application has been turned in for processing.
Payments: All payments are to be received in check form; this includes Application Fee(s), Security, Hold, Pet Deposit(s), and Rent-Parking-Storage payment(s). We accept Cashier’s Checks and/or Money Orders in addition to personal bank issued checks.
Seattle Utility Fee for Houses: Seattle Public Utilities requires Landlord's invoice tenants directly for Public Utilities. This reimbursement to Flatiron Properties will be due upon receipt of the invoice and copy of the current Public Utility Billing from Flatiron Properties. All or a portion of the prepaid Security Deposit(s) will be withheld if there is a balance due upon vacating a property for all unpaid Public Utilities.